Resep: Ice cream Oreo Legit dan Nikmat!

Ice cream Oreo.
Learn how to make easy homemade Oreo ice cream without machine. Now you can make oreo vanilla ice cream any time you want at home! And now there's Oreo Ice Cream .

Ice cream Oreo

Cookies and ice cream are not only a classic combination, but a delicious one.

One of the most popular cookie and ice cream combinations is Oreos and vanilla ice cream.

And yet another "warm weather" craving.

Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kawan-kawan dapat menyiapkan Ice cream Oreo hanya dengan menggunakan 6 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Ice cream Oreo!

Bahan Ice cream Oreo

  1. Diperlukan 600 ml of – Susu cair full cream (saya pakai indomilk).
  2. Diperlukan 3 sch of – susu bubuk (saya pakai frisiant flag).
  3. Siapkan 5 sdm of – Gula pasir.
  4. Siapkan 2 sdm of – Tepung Maizena.
  5. Diperlukan 1 sdm of – SP.
  6. Dibutuhkan 1 bgks of – Oreo.

This Oreo Ice Cream Cake Makes For The Perfect No Bake Dessert During Warm Summer Months.

Oreo ice cream recipe without ice cream maker.

My kids go crazy for the Oreo cookies and I rarely let them eat as they are allergic to Oreo like many other kids.

This ice cream was made not for the kids.

Cara membuat Ice cream Oreo

  1. Ambil panci, masukkan susu cair, gula pasir, dan susu bubuk.

  2. Panaskan dengan api sedang sampai mendidih, lalu larutkan tepung maizena dengan susu yg sedang kita panaskan, masukkan larutan tepung maizena sedikit demi sedikit sambil di aduk cepat.

  3. Jika sudah mengental, matikan kompor dan masukkan dalam wadah. Lalu diamkan sampai uap panas hilang lalu masukkan freezer sekitar 6-8 jam.

  4. Setelah beku, kerok2 ice cream lalu masukkann pada wadah yg agak besar karena adonan akan mengembang.

  5. Siapkan blender, hancurkan ice dengan level rendah lalu masukkan SP Kemudian mixer dengan level paling tinggi sekitar 20-25 menit sampai adonan mengembang.

  6. Setelah adonan mengembang masukkan oreo yang telah di hancurkan dan aduk lalu masukkan ke dalam cetakan dan masukkan ke dalam freezer.

My Oreo ice cream cake and cookies and cream popsicles.

Both are great summer dessert that are easy to make and super yummy… plus they have Oreo's and everyone loves Oreos, right?

This ice cream may look like plain chocolate, but it's not—it's a super concentrated version of cookies 'n' cream.

Its rich flavor and color come from crushed Oreo wafers (which you can feel free to buy or.

Vanilla Oreo Ice Cream is for OREO FANS!

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